Baukasten series

Note: some of you might remember the wooden blocks painted in bright colors.



Some information on the Spline is not directly related to public transportation and yet, it is useful. The graphic tools used to create transit maps and bus line schematics have a life of their own.  There will be no articles about them, at least not directly. They will have dedicated pages and a separate menu entry. One must note that I do differentiate between a page and an article.



A page is a piece of information that could interest only small part of the people who visit the Spline. While the content of page could prove and is valuable to those specializing in IT  applied to public transit, most of the people visiting blogs are looking for general knowledge, easy to read in a short amount of time.



An article is the main product of the Spline . It has a fixed format, a fixed length (+/- 30 words), and has to be about public transit. Also, the topic of the article must be one of the following:

  • transit agency
  • vehicle(s)
  • riders and their behavior
  • exhibition(s) about public transit

Once in a while, there are supporting articles, like the series about GTFS colors.


After such a long introduction, let’s go back to the topic of this page. XSTS touches many areas of public transportation, including the maps printed and posted in bus and tram stops, as well as in subway stations. Having easy to read maps is one of the many things a public transit agency can do for its customers and in order to have quality printable stuff, one needs quality building blocks. Thus, the Baukasten concept.

Links will follow shortly ….