Express thyself


In two previous articles I introduced the Sinek Principle together with three people who might have a connection with the Principle. Have you ever heard of any of them ? If the answer is no, there is an explanation to that.


In case you wonder if these three individuals have ever lived, you might be right. Nothing indicates that they have ever lived.  By the way, if you take the first letter of each of their names, you will discover the three question that make the Golden Circle:

  • why ?
  • how ?
  • what ?

Examples of companies

What is the reason for the business of a company ? What is the mission ? A computer on every desktop requires software to operate and that is why Microsoft was founded. People need information in order to educate themselves and that is why Google offers so much information. Or in other words, organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.  Be aware, a business is related to money and even when you don’t pay directly, somehow you spend something. In the case of Google, that would be time and something called personal information. The current version of Microsoft Office stores your files in the cloud.  But the basic question is still why and it is the hidden engine behind those companies. Mr. Sinek calls it the Purpose.

Most of the drugs manufactured today belong to less than a dozen mega pharma corporations like Merck and Pfizer. They  poured huge amounts of money into research. The brightest chemists and biologists work for them. Knowledge is paramount when it comes to industrial-scale  manufacturing processes. It is a matter of how to do it.

The last question is the most obvious.After all, it is the outcome, the visible part. Uber carries people across towns for a fraction of cab’s fare.  The drivers are steering the wheel and put the pedal to the metal,so to say. Most people know what they do simple because they do it every day.


I give below the link to one of a many videos where Mr. Sinek explains his Golden Circle. It is a from a Ted Talk:


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